23) Vowel Sounds

what you and your poem want to say is, well, complicated. Hard to say
straightforwardly. You may wind up putting together images or thoughts
or examples that wouldn't ordinarily seem to belong in the same neighborhood.

You need some coherence. You need to stitch things together.

One thread that can run through a poem is sound. You probably do this without thought,
but may find it useful to ramp things up just a bit on occasion. It's not necessary
to use rhyme or alliteration, although you can include some of those.They can seem
a little heavy-handed, though.

Think subtle.
think: camel, sand, apple, advantage. think: teeth, grief, immediate, Easter
(if you have a regional accent, it's okay to give yourself leeway)

Jot down a lot of words. Maybe two separate lots.

Write a poem in which you include some of the words from your list(s).
Make use of your sound--discreetly. The title might come from the list.

7 thoughts on “23) Vowel Sounds

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