28) Absent Mind

"I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtledove, and am still on their trail."
Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Write about misplaced things.
Or forgetting.
Or the stubborn refusal to admit a thing is gone for good.

Or build your piece around one of these words:

lost bay still long

5 thoughts on “28) Absent Mind

  1. lost

    There are nights when I think all is lost, but all I’ve lost is sleep..
    Sleep, elusive, scoffs at my attempts to conjure her presence.
    Tired of being tired, I try too hard to find my way back.

    After a long and tiring day, I’ve done what I can with the prompts from Miz Quickly and NaPoWriMo. I am going to bed now.

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